
Teacher Council에서 연락이 오다

터키사랑 2009. 9. 9. 14:18

9월2일에 미국에 Teacher Council에 어플라이를 넣었다. 생각보다 연락이 빨리왔다. 미국이란 나라는 일을 천천히 처리하기에 1달정도 예상하고 있었는데 1주일 만에 연락이 와 기쁘기도 하고 당황하기도 했다. 메일의 내용은 기쁜소식이였다. 이것때문에 하나님이 기도하게 하셨나? 참 감사한 일이다. 계속적으로 기도하는 일만 남았다. 끝까지 하나님을 붙잡고 나아가야 한다. 나의 약한 부분인 일이 진행되어가는 중에 설레발을 치고 하나님보단 나의 의지와 힘을 의지하는 경우가 많은데 이번 만큼은 그러고 싶지 않다.
감사한것은 편지 내용이 일이 많이 진행되고 있고 빠르면 다음학기부터 바로 진행되어진다는것이다.
나의 의는 모두 내려놓고 하나님만 의지하고 온전히 주님께 모든 상황을 맡기고 싶다.
편지의 내용은 아래와 같다.

Dear Jeongsu,

Thank you for your interest in obtaining placement with a US school and visa approval to teach in the US. Based upon a preliminary review of your qualifications, Teachers Council has determined that you are eligible for a teaching position in the US with a school that has available positions.

Teachers Council will now begin to process your application for the best available teaching positions. It is most important that you immediately provide us with additional information in order to meet the placement requirements of the school districts.

1. Please review the Standard Resume attached and provide a new resume in the same format.
2. Send a copy of your transcript and diploma from each college or university attended.

The best way to send this information is to scan and send by email to smary@teacherscouncil.com. If necessary you can fax: 410 990 - 4419.

Teachers Council is a non profit educational foundation and provides the best program available for teaching in the US. The TC program is extremely affordable. Do not provide any fees or costs at this time. TC must review your transcripts and diploma to prepare applications for the school districts. TC will then provide you with a complete agreement that details all requirements for placement. The only costs before you begin teaching are the US Government filing, legal and registration fees.

Teachers Council offers the best US working visa possible, the H-1B visa. The benefits: you can remain in the US and obtain permanent residency [Green Card] for you and all family members. You do not have to return back to your home country after teaching in the US, which is required for other visas [ J visa ].

We hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Schools have already begun to review and accept applications for next academic year.


편지의 내용이다. 잘 되었으면 좋겠다..
